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Release Date: 09/27/2000
Contact Information: Alice Kaufman, EPA Community Affairs, 617-918-1064 Joseph Lemay, EPA Superfund Program, 617-918-1323

BOSTON - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced the Third Annual Cornell Pond Fishing Derby in North Dartmouth MA. As part of a community outreach initiative under the Superfund program, twenty local fishermen with Massachusetts fishing licenses will assist a fish monitoring effort in the 3rd Annual Fishing Derby on September 30, 2000. A fish advisory restricting the consumption of fish has been established for the pond since the discovery of PCB contamination stemming from the Re-Solve Site. Roy F. Weston, Inc. will monitor the fishing derby and distribute awards for the largest fish caught.

"This annual fishing derby is a terrific way to involve the local community in EPA's fish monitoring program," said Mindy S. Lubber, EPA New England regional administrator "It is also a great opportunity to remind local fisherman of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health fish advisory for Cornell Pond and the Copicut River that requires all fish that are caught to be released back into the water rather than be eaten."

The derby will take place on Saturday, September 30 from 7:00 am - 12 pm at Cornell Pond in North Dartmouth. In case of inclement weather, the derby will be held on Sunday, October 1. All participants over the age of 15 must have a current Massachusetts Fishing License to participate in the derby. For directions and additional information contact:

The Re-Solve, Inc. Superfund Site is on North Hixville Road, North Dartmouth, MA and was listed as a Superfund Site in 1983 when extensive PCB and volatile organic compounds were discovered in the soil and groundwater. A state-of-the-art groundwater treatment system that treats contaminated groundwater and prevents contamination from migrating from the Site was completed in 1998. The facility will operate until groundwater is cleaned to safe levels. In 1988, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health established a fishing advisory in Cornell Pond and Copicut River due to elevated levels of PCBs in fish. Only catch and release fishing is permitted in the pond and river.