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Keller ISD Receives EPA National Excellence Award for Indoor Air Quality

Release Date: 01/14/2010
Contact Information: Dave Bary at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(Dallas, Texas – January 14, 2010) The Environmental Protection Agency today recognized the Keller Independent School District with a National Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Excellence Award at the annual Tools for Schools symposium held in Washington D.C. Keller ISD is one of eight other school districts to be recognized for their exemplary indoor air quality (AIQ) program.

EPA ranks indoor air pollution among the top five environmental health risks. In addition to health effects such as headaches, dizziness, and fatigue, students and staff who are exposed to poor AIQ experience decreased performance and diminished concentration levels. Poor indoor air quality can make allergy and asthma symptoms worse, particularly for children. Asthma results in nearly 13 million lost school days per year.

Keller ISD’s indoor air quality program features a strong asthma management component, including changes to the physical buildings, such as removing all carpeting from classrooms and utilizing green cleaning products. The school district is implementing a comprehensive asthma trigger education program, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on all district campuses to help proactively manage health risks.

“The protection of subpopulations, especially with regard to children, is one of our top priorities,” said Al Armendariz, EPA regional administrator. “EPA is bringing new energy to safeguarding children and commends Keller ISD for their commitment to a healthy environment for their students and teachers.”

Nearly 20 percent of Americans, or about 60 million people, spend their days inside 132,000 public and private elementary and secondary school facilities. The average public school is 42 years old, and school buildings begin rapid deterioration after 40 years if not properly maintained. The IAQ Tools for Schools Program provides free resources and guidance to help schools identify and solve their AIQ problems using practical, cost-effective and step-by-step approaches.

Additional information on the program is available at

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