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EPA Region 4 Announces 2003 Consumer Confidence Report Awards

Release Date: 01/08/2004
Contact Information: Laura Niles, (404) 562-8353, [email protected]
The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4 announced today the winners in the Region 4, 2003 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Awards.

The award categories are based on system size. The winners are:

Small Ground Water - City of Guyton, Guyton, Georgia
Medium Surface Water
- Butts County Water & Sewer Authority, Jackson, Georgia
Medium Ground Water
- Bamberg Board of Public Works, Bamberg, South Carolina
Large Surface Water
- Spartanburg Water System, Spartanburg, South Carolina
Large Ground Water
- Memphis Light, Gas, & Water, Memphis, Tennessee

The criteria for the awards include: listing the source of drinking water (surface water, groundwater, or a combination); the system's susceptibility to contamination based on a completed Source Water Assessment (SWA) and information on how to obtain a copy of the SWA; a list of likely sources and potential health effects of detected contaminants; compliance with state and federal standards; water utility phone number and meeting dates; the Safe Drinking Water Act Hotline number; a table with appropriate conversions and explanations for detected contaminants. Extra points are given for community outreach and education activities.

The CCR rule requires community water systems to provide annual reports to customers on the quality of their drinking water. Reports under the CCR rule will give consumers information on their drinking water and opportunities to get involved in its protection. The CCR Rule is a result of the 1996 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act.