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#10 Enterprises agrees to restore Garfield County streams, wetlands

Release Date: 10/12/2006
Contact Information: Monica Heimdal 303-312-6359, [email protected] Wendy Silver 303-312-6637, [email protected] General Inquiries 800 227-8917

Denver, Colo., Oct. 12, 2006 -- #10 Enterprises, LLC has entered into an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to correct environmental damage it caused by releasing dredged or fill material into the North Dry Fork of Roan Creek and the Dry Fork of Roan Creek and adjacent wetlands at the High Lonesome Ranch near De Beque, Garfield County, Colo.

    The discharges were made without a permit in conjunction with the construction of approximately 100 ponds to be used for fly-fishing by guests at the High Lonesome Ranch, a recreational hunting and fishing property owned by #10.

    EPA Region 8 Assistant Regional Administrator Carol Rushin, said, “EPA is taking this action to prevent the pollution of the wetlands, streams, and lakes of Colorado and to provide deterrence against future violations of Federal laws designed to protect valuable water resources.”

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducted inspections at High Lonesome Ranch during 2002 and found that #10 Enterprises or persons acting on its behalf had discharged dredged and fill material into the North Dry Fork of Roan Creek and the Dry Fork of Roan Creek and adjacent wetlands without a permit. The Corps determined that the material had been illegally discharged in approximately 100 locations between 1996 and 2000.

    The North Dry Fork and the Dry Fork of Roan Creek are tributary to the Colorado River, which is a navigable, interstate river.

    The wetlands and streams in this area are important as habitat for local and migratory birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and other wildlife. They also provide water quality enhancement, water storage and retention, flood control and aesthetics. Adverse impacts to such waters can lead to serious results such as increased flooding, a decline of water quality and extinction of species.

    A Corps permit is required before performing any work that results in discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, which includes lakes, rivers, streams, and certain wetlands. Property owners, contractors, or developers planning to do any work in such waters should always contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ regulatory office in Grand Junction, Colo., at 970-243-1199 before they begin work to determine if they need a permit.

    EPA acknowledges the support and assistance it received on this case from the Corps’ regulatory office in Grand Junction.