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EPA Completes Cleanup At Former Paper Mill in Middle Falls, New York

Release Date: 06/23/2006
Contact Information: Benjamin Barry (212) 637-3651, [email protected]

(New York, NY) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has successfully removed thousands of gallons of chemicals, waste oil, asbestos insulation, and various contaminated materials left at the former Stevens & Thompson Paper Company in Middle Falls, New York. Last September, local and state officials asked EPA to clean up the site and the Agency immediately began its work.

“This site was abandoned with thousands of gallons of paper-making chemicals left in the buildings, but we took immediate action to get it under control,” said Alan J. Steinberg, EPA Regional Administrator. “Working with our state and local partners, we have rid the community of an environmental and public health threat from the unfenced and unsecured facility.”

EPA was able to recycle or return to original suppliers almost 10,000 gallons of liquid chemicals and almost three tons of solid chemicals and to ship more than 100 drums of chemical wastes off-site for disposal. In November 2005, EPA officials discovered a small industrial source of radioactive Krypton 87 in a piece of process machinery at the site. This source was returned to its supplier, Honeywell, Inc., in Arizona. The cost of the cleanup is estimated at $340,000.

Stevens & Thompson was a manufacturer of tissue paper since the late 1880's. The company filed for bankruptcy and ceased operations in September 2001. The property has since been sold to a California based company and future plans for the mill are unknown to EPA at this time.
