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EPA Completes Cleanup at Hollywood Superfund Site

Release Date: 7/10/2001
Contact Information: Lena Kim, (215) 814-3117

Lena Kim, (215) 814-3117

HOLLYWOOD, Md. – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has completed cleanup construction at the Southern Maryland Wood Treating Superfund site in St. Mary’s County, marking an important milestone in returning this once highly toxic waste site to beneficial reuse.

Construction completion means all physical construction has been completed, and no human health or environmental threats remain. The site has been cleaned to residential standards, meaning no restrictions will be placed on future use of the property.

“Not only does this Superfund site no longer pose a threat to residents of St. Mary’s County, but the options are wide open for community members and local government to determine the best future use of this valuable land,” said Thomas C.Voltaggio, Acting Regional Administrator for the agency’s mid-Atlantic region.

“With the completion of this project today we say ‘hooray for Hollywood,’” said Senator Paul S. Sarbanes. With EPA’s due diligence in completing this cleanup, St.Mary’s County has an opportunity to turn what was once a hazardous site into something which will benefit the entire community.”

“Revitalization of this Superfund Site has been critical to the health of St. Mary’s County and to the diversity of its wildlife,” said Senator Barbara A. Mikulski. “Where once soil was contaminated by creosote and pentachlorophenol(PCP), now wildflowers flourish. We must continue to ensure that these properties are cleaned up and returned to productive use so we can benefit from them. As the Chair of the Subcommittee that funds the EPA, I will continue to fight for federal money to fund these cleanup efforts.”


Cleanup - 7/10/01
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From 1965 to 1978, 25 acres of the 96-acre, mainly wetland property were used for wood treatment operations. The treatment process used creosote and PCP, which contaminated soils, groundwater, and a stream adjacent to the site. The site was abandoned in the early 1980's, with processing equipment, contaminated soils, and deteriorating tanks of creosote and PCP left behind.

EPA placed the site on its National Priorities List of most toxic waste sites in 1986, making it eligible for federal cleanup funds. With intensive involvement from community stakeholders, EPA selected a cleanup technology called thermal desorption. A previous remedy calling for onsite incineration of the contaminated soils and sediments was changed due to local opposition because of perceived health concerns and high estimated costs.

Starting in 1998, EPA excavated approximately 270,000 tons of creosote and PCP-soaked soils and sediments from the site and adjacent stream. These materials were cleaned using thermal desorption, which laboratory testing confirmed was cleaning the soil to residential standards. In fall of 2000, the last load of contaminated soil was treated and backfilled into the excavated areas.

During fall of 2000, EPA regraded the site and planted a diverse mix of wildflowers and grains to re-establish the area as a wildlife habitat. Today, visitors have reported evidence that wildlife is returning to the site.

Now that all the immediate and long-term environmental and human health threats have been removed from the site, EPA will continue to monitor its progress. A five-year review will take place to ensure that the cleanup remedy continues to be protective.

