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Modifications Recommended and Proposed to Part of the Cleanup of Industri-plex Superfund Site in Woburn, Mass. 

Release Date: 08/26/2014
Contact Information: Emily Zimmerman, (617) 918-1037

Boston - EPA has proposed recommended modifications to part of the cleanup of the Industri-plex Superfund Site in Woburn, Mass.  

The site used to be a former chemical and glue manufacturing facility, and the cleanup for the site is being addressed in two stages called operable units (OU).  EPA recommends modifications to the cleanup plans for OU-2 at the Industri-plex Site. 

The details of EPA’s recommendation and proposed modifications are in a document called an Explanation of Significant Differences that describes the actions EPA believes are necessary for the cleanup of the site in a way that will protect public health and the environment.  From August 19 until September 03, 2014, EPA will be seeking public input on the recommended modifications to the cleanup standard for benzene in sediment in Operable Unit 2 of the Industri-plex Superfund Site. 

In this ESD, EPA is proposing a change to the 2006 Industri-plex OU-2 cleanup plan so that it includes a cleanup goal for benzene in the sediments of the Lower South Pond, which is adjacent to West Hide Pile.  The cleanup goal has been determined to be 1.290 mg/kg for benzene in sediment, and it is based on ongoing investigations at the site.  This new goal will serve as the new cleanup standard for sediments in that area.  

The sediments above the benzene cleanup standard will be dredged and disposed off-site, and all disturbed areas will be restored to a native wetland habitat.  The estimated volume of sediments contaminated with benzene above the 1.290 mg/kg cleanup standard is approximately 900 cubic yards. 

There will be a 14-day public comment period on the Draft ESD. Comments should be postmarked or emailed by September 3, 2014 and sent to: Joseph F. LeMay, EPA New England, 5 Post Office Square, mail code: OSSR 07-4, Boston MA 02109, or via email to: [email protected]

A copy of the Draft ESD and its Administrative Record as well as other information on the Industri-plex Superfund Site OU-2 is available to the public on the EPA web page and at the following locations:

Woburn Public Library (summer hours)
45 Pleasant Street
Woburn, MA 01801
Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm
Saturday & Sunday:  Closed

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Records Center
5 Post Office Square, Suite 100
Boston, MA 02109
Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday:  Closed

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