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EPA Economist Receives Medal for Excellence in Federal Service

Release Date: 09/17/2008
Contact Information: Cathy Milbourn, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(9/17/08) Dr. Stephen O. Andersen was honored with a Career Achievement Medal for significant contributions in implementing the Montreal Protocol, an agreement that phases out 95 percent of the world's ozone-depleting substances.

Dr. Andersen has dedicated most of his career to working on ozone depletion, climate change and related issues. In 2007, he helped assemble a team of scientists to produce an article quantifying the benefits of a faster phase-out of ozone-depleting substances, including the phase-out's impact on climate change. This effort helped move nine countries, including the United States, to strengthen the Montreal Protocol by accelerating the phase-out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons by more than a decade.

Dr. Andersen's award comes from the Service to America program, which pays tribute to America's federal workforce, highlighting those who have made significant contributions to the nation.

Information about the awards program and additional information about Dr. Andersen's contributions are available at: and