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TODAY: Conference Call with EPA Senior Officials on Proposed Nutrient Standards for Florida

Release Date: 03/04/2010
Contact Information: Enesta Jones [email protected] 202-564-7873 202-564-4355

WASHINGTON - Today, March 4, 2010, at 11:00 AM, senior EPA officials will host a press conference call with reporters to discuss the Agency’s proposed numeric standards to protect Florida’s waters. The call takes place following this morning's meeting between EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, senior EPA officials and members of the Florida’s Congressional delegation.

Due to the limited number of lines, this call is for credentialed media only. Conference call-in number is below.

WHO: Pete Silva - EPA Assistant Administrator for the Office of Water

          Ephraim King - Director, Office of Science and Technology, Office of Water
      Joanne Benante - Region 4, Water Quality Planning Branch Chief

WHAT: Press Conference call

Participant Dial-In Number: (888) 539 - 8821
      Conference ID: 61069674
Conference name: Environmental Protection Agency

WHEN: TODAY, March 4, 2010 11:00 AM