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Pesticide Science Panel will Review Key Information on Herbicide Atrazine, Possible Amphibian Effects

Release Date: 05/29/2003
Contact Information:

Dave Deegan 202-564-7839/[email protected]

(05/29/03) EPA has completed an evaluation of currently available data regarding potential effects of the herbicide atrazine on amphibian development. After evaluating 17 laboratory and field studies drawn from published research and studies submitted directly to the Agency, EPA has developed a “white paper” which assesses the strengths and limitations of the available studies. EPA has also evaluated the nature and strength of dose-response relationships and developed a conceptual model to address uncertainties in determining a causal relationship between atrazine exposure and amphibian development. Under an amended consent decree with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), EPA is required to develop and submit a paper to a Scientific Advisory Panel for review and comment that considers data available as of Feb. 28, 2003 on the potential effects of atrazine on amphibians. The Scientific Advisory Panel is meeting on June 17 in Arlington, Va. EPA will consider any comments submitted by the Panel when it issues a revised “Interim Reregistration Eligibility Decision” for atrazine, which will occur on or before Oct. 31. Information on the public meeting, including a link to the paper, is available at: