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EPA files complaint against Burbank company and landowner for hazardous waste violations

Release Date: 10/03/2006
Contact Information: Dean Higuchi, 808-541-2711, [email protected]

(10/03/06) SAN FRANCISCO – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently issued a complaint to the All Metals Processing Company and the landowner, Helen L. Powers Revocable Trust for hazardous waste violations at the company’s Burbank facility.

EPA inspectors found hazardous waste seeping though the inside wall and onto the ground outside of the facility within 10 feet of a storm water canal near the facility located at 264 W. Spazier Ave.

“We are particularly concerned about this facility because of its proximity to a storm water canal,” said Jeff Scott, Director of Waste Programs for the EPA Pacific Southwest Region. “This order will get the company to prevent improper handling of hazardous waste and contaminant migration offsite. EPA will continue to ensure that companies handling hazardous waste follow proper procedures, and will take appropriate actions when violations are discovered.”

The company also failed to:

* store hazardous waste in a container,

* prevent the release of hazardous waste,

* obtain a permit to treat, store and dispose of hazardous waste,

* maintain emergency equipment, and

* label and close containers of hazardous waste.

The EPA’s hazardous waste rules require facilities to properly store, label and seal hazardous waste containers. Facilities must also have properly trained staff, as improperly stored hazardous waste can potentially spill and pose a risk to workers and the environment. Failure to comply could result in fines of $32,500 per day per violation

For more information on EPA’s hazardous waste program visit:

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