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EPA Honors Hunters Point Family Graduates of Brownfields Job Training Program

Release Date: 10/25/2013
Contact Information: Rusty Harris-Bishop, 415.972.3140, [email protected]

(10/15/2013) SAN FRANCISCO – Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) joined the Hunters Point Family in congratulating 22 graduates who completed an environmental career training program. The training is part of EPA’s Brownfields Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training program, and is designed to provide unemployed or under-employed students the broad array of skills and professional certifications necessary to enter the environmental cleanup market.

“EPA is proud to be part of this celebration,” said Jared Blumenfeld, Regional Administrator in EPA’s Pacific Southwest Region. “These graduates will play a vital role in rebuilding their community. Their knowledge and talent are essential to improving both the environmental and the economic health of Bayview-Hunters Point.”

The Hunters Point Family partnered with Young Community Developers to provide certified training in environmental cleanup, as well as other professional skills to support their students’ long-term success. The diverse group of graduates, ranging in age from 18 to 45, participated in a twelve week course that offered over 180 hours of training in which the graduates received six federal and/or state certifications, including hazardous waste and hazardous materials handling, lead abatement, asbestos abatement, first aid and CPR.

District 10 Supervisor Malia Cohen, in anticipation of the graduation, said, “The graduates represent the Southeast communities’ great resilience and renaissance. The Hunters Point Family and Young Community Developers are two of the community’s strongest workforce development agencies. Together they initiated a partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency to train and prepare local residents for careers in restoration and renewal of their environment. I congratulate each and every one of them for their hard work and dedication.”

The Hunters Point Family and Young Community Developers are coordinating with local companies to place graduates in a variety of jobs. Graduates are poised to take on environmental cleanup work at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, as well as sustainable landscaping and native plant restoration associated with local capital improvement projects.

“These graduates give me great hope and encouragement for our future in Bayview-Hunters Point, where residents are recognized and acknowledged as the solution for the health and well being of the community’s future,” said Lena Miller, co-Executive Director of the Hunters Point Family.

"We are so excited about providing quality training that is essential for individuals in this community to connect to several upcoming opportunities right in their own backyard. Our hope is that we can connect hundreds of individuals to hundreds of upcoming jobs in the community over the next couple of years” said Shamman Walton, Executive Director of Young Community Developers.

In 2013, $3.2 million in funds were awarded nationally under the Workforce Development and Job Training program. As of May 2013, more than 11,000 Americans have completed training through the support of this program, of which, more than 8,000 have obtained employment in the environmental field. Bay Area organizations have received more than $4.8 million in EPA job training funds since 1999 and, in this past year alone, more than 165 people in the Bay Area have been trained to work in the environmental cleanup industry.

More information on environmental workforce development and job training grants can be found at:

For more information on Hunters Point Family:

For more information on Young Community Developers:
