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EPA Wins Award for Excellence in Enterprise Architecture: A Key Part of President's E-Government Iniatives

Release Date: 09/17/2003
Contact Information:

Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819 / [email protected]

(09/17/03) On Sept. 11th, EPA received an Excellence in Enterprise Architecture Award from E-Gov magazine, Federal Computer News and the Enterprise Architecture Institute. The award recognized EPA’s development of a successful enterprise architecture that builds the links between the information technology needs and investments of the Agency to federal performance requirements and EPA’s strategic goals. EPA’s enterprise architecture also is designed to support the information management component of the President’s Management Agenda. The presidential agenda requires federal information technology (IT) investments to clearly demonstrate a need, return on investment for the Agency, and the positive benefits that the investment will provide to American citizens. EPA has successfully implemented an on-line software tool that provides this information for over 80 percent of the Agency’s IT projects. Requiring justification of IT investments helps eliminate redundant federal IT systems and improves the government’s customer service for citizens and businesses. EPA has received several awards during the last year in recognition of continuing progress in breaking new ground through new technologies and good governance processes. EPA’s project was selected from a pool of approximately 100 submissions. The criteria for selection were that the enterprise architecture project increases productivity, helps an agency save resources, and improves the quality, timeliness and accuracy of services.