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Information Available on Endangered Species Protection Program for Pesticides

Release Date: 11/04/2005
Contact Information: Kerry Humphrey, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(11/04/05) On Nov. 2, EPA published in the Federal Register a notice that finalizes its approach to field implementation of the agency's Endangered Species Protection Program for pesticides. The goal of the program is to carry out EPA's responsibilities under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act in compliance with the Endangered Species Act, while at the same time not placing an unnecessary burden on agriculture and other pesticide users. Under the approach described in the program, if EPA determines that use of a pesticide poses a risk of harm to listed species or their designated critical habitat that merits additional restriction, the pesticide label will refer the user to the Endangered Species Protection Bulletins, which contain the enforceable, geographically-specific use limitations for the pesticide. These bulletins, which will be available by web or phone, will generally include a map of the county or parish to which it applies, a description of the species being protected, a list of the pesticides of concern and their use limitations. This approach is intended to ensure that use of the pesticide will not jeopardize the species or adversely modify critical habitat. Additional program information is available on EPA's website at: The Federal Register Notice can be found at: For additional information on the technical, scientific or risk assessment aspects of the program, contact Arty Williams ([email protected]) or call 703-305-7695. If you have questions about field implementation of the ESPP, contact Mary Powell ([email protected]) or call 703 305-7384.