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Chemical spill reporting violations: EPA settles with Chemsol Products Corp., Cleveland

Release Date: 03/11/2008
Contact Information: Kären Thompson, 312-353-8547, [email protected]

No. 08-OPA35

CHICAGO (March 11, 2008) -U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 recently settled an administrative case involving hazardous chemical release reporting violations by Chemsol Products Corp., Cleveland, Ohio.

The company, located at 712 E. 163rd St., paid $20,000 to resolve EPA's enforcement action for failure to provide immediate notification to the National Response Center of a 7,133-pound release of sulfuric acid Oct. 10, 2006. The release was more than seven times the reportable quantity. National and local response agencies were notified four days and one day after the spill respectively. Chemsol has cleaned up the area affected by the release.

Sulfuric acid causes burns to the skin and irritation to the eyes, nose and throat.

Federal law requires immediate notification to the NRC for sulfuric acid releases above 1,000 pounds. The center activates the appropriate response authorities. Responders need to know what they're dealing with so they can take steps to protect people living and working in the area.

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