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Media Advisory: EPA To Present Award to Arizona State University

Release Date: 03/01/2013
Contact Information: Rusty Harris-Bishop, [email protected], 415.972.3140

EPA To Present Award to Arizona State University
Monday, March 4: Green Government Award to ASU’s Sustainable Cities Network

(3/1/13) SAN FRANCISCO — On Monday, March 4, EPA’s Regional Administrator for the Pacific Southwest Region will present the Green Government Award to the Sustainable Cities Network.

The Network is a collaborative program created by Arizona State University’s Global Institute of Sustainability to increase regional dialogue and action amongst Arizona communities. The Network has been successful in obtaining grant funds to further workgroup initiatives associated with green infrastructure, low impact development, and streamlining solar processes. The Sustainable Cities Network is one of the first university/community-based sustainability outreach programs in the country. It serves as a successful model that can be replicated by other universities to create community engagement focused on greening government and increasing local sustainability.


Jared Blumenfeld, Regional Administrator, US EPA Pacific Southwest Region

Rob Melnick, Executive Dean, Global Institute of Sustainability

Anne Reichman, Program Manager, Sustainable Cities Network

Award Presentation

Monday, March 4, 2013 -- 3:30 pm – 4:15 pm

ASU Global Institute of Sustainability

Wrigley Hall, Room 481

800 S. Cady Mall

Tempe, AZ
