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Stormwater Control Training Series Available for Idaho Construction Trade

Release Date: 3/5/2002
Contact Information: Mark MacIntyre
[email protected]
(206) 553-7302

March 5, 2002

Programs Set for Post Falls(3/12), Boise (3/14) & Pocatello(3/15 )

To help builders, contractors and developers prevent soil from migrating offsite and entering rivers and other waterways, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is sponsoring a series of three professional training workshops across Idaho. The workshops are also designed to help the construction and development trade comply with current & upcoming federal storm water regulations. The workshops are being presented in partnership with Associated General Contractors(AGC) of Idaho and the International Erosion Control Association(IECA).

Entitled A Phase II: How to Select, Install and Inspect Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs for NPDES Storm Water Permit Compliance, @ the program is a one- day, beginning level workshop, that will run from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM in each city. According to the organizers, although the workshops focus primarily on upcoming "Phase II" requirements, information covered will also be helpful to those already regulated by Phase I rules. Areas covered will include:
  • Regulatory basis for erosion and sediment control, including requirements for a comprehensive Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
  • A ten-step process for designing an effective erosion and sediment control plan.
  • Proper procedures for obtaining coverage under an NPDES construction Permit.

Workshops Offered
March 12th
Post Falls
West Coast Templin's Resort
414 East First Ave.
March 14th
Associated General Contractor's Building
110 N. 27th St.
March 15
Holiday Inn-Pocatello
1399 Bench Rd.

In order to make the training more affordable(IECA's standard registration cost is $225), EPA has partially underwritten the cost of the workshop: $125 for IECA and AGC members and $135 for non-members.

For more information about registration and the workshops, call IECA at 970-879-3010. You may also visit the internet site at: and download the registration form. For more information about EPA and the Phase II Stormwater Regulations, call the storm water A Helpline @ at 1-800-424-4372, ext. 8399 or visit the website at

Beth Ziesenis