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DuPont PFOA Case Proceeds Before EPA Administrative Law Judge

Release Date: 09/30/2004
Contact Information:

Contact: John Millett 202-564-7842 / [email protected]

(09/30/04) EPA's Office of Administrative Law Judges has established a schedule to proceed with the agency's complaint against E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont). In July, EPA filed three counts against DuPont for failing to report information concerning a substantial risk to public health or the environment from a synthetic chemical used in the manufacture of certain Teflon products. In September, DuPont filed a motion for an accelerated decision from the judge on counts two and three, and requested oral arguments on its motion. Count one -- and depending on the decision following oral arguments on counts two and three -- will be taken up at a later hearing, which has not yet been scheduled. Oral arguments on DuPont's motion have been scheduled for Oct. 28. To attend the oral arguments, contact the Clerk of the Board by Oct. 14 by calling 202-233-0122. Copies of the prehearing order and other public documents relating to the case are available upon request by calling 202-564-9942.