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Atlantic Mills, Inc. of New Jersey Agrees To Pay $15,000 For Pesticides Violation; Will Spend Over $150,000 To Help Others Comply

Release Date: 08/13/1998
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(#98100) New York, New York -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today that Atlantic Mills, Inc., a Lakewood, New Jersey company that markets antimicrobial cleaning wipes, will turn past violations of federal pesticide law into a positive situation by spending at least $150,000 to make presentations to similar businesses on how to comply with the law. Under a settlement with the EPA, Atlantic Mills will present at least one seminar per year for the next two years at industry meetings or conferences that reach major manufacturers of antimicrobial wipes. In addition, the company will develop an educational program to be presented by its sales force to major distributors and consumers of the products on proper sanitation and hygiene in the food service industry. The company will also pay a $15,000 penalty for its violations.

In October 1997, Atlantic Mills was cited by the EPA for selling and distributing as a pesticide cleaning wipes or towels that contain antimicrobials without first registering the products with EPA. Atlantic Mills, Inc. marketed the cleaning wipes with the claim that they kill a broad spectrum of microbial pathogens. Under federal pesticide law, any company that sells or distributes a pesticide must register the pesticide with EPA. EPA uses the registration process to check product claims.

"Not only does this settlement ensure that Atlantic Mills is in compliance with pesticide requirements, it also helps EPA reach other would-be violators," said Jeanne M. Fox, EPA Region 2 Administrator. "While ignorance of the law is never an acceptable defense, a better educated regulated community will result in fewer violations and an assurance that products like these antimicrobial wipes live up to their claims."

A July 1997 EPA inspection of Atlantic Mills revealed that the company had sold the towels on at least 11 occasions. The inspection was part of a national EPA crack down on companies that sell unregistered anti-microbial pesticides.

For more information contact:
Mary Mears, Press Office
EPA Region 2
290 Broadway
NY, NY 10007-1866
Voice: 212-637-3669 FAX: 212-637-5046 E-Mail: [email protected]