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Rule Eases Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Transition

Release Date: 11/09/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: John Millett, 202-564-4355 / [email protected]

(11/9/05) To facilitate the transition to ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel (ULSD), EPA is providing a 45-day extension for terminals and retail outlets to comply with the 15 ppm standard, moving the retail compliance date to Oct. 15. During this extended transition period, diesel fuel meeting a 22 ppm level can be marketed as ULSD at the pump. The agency does not expect to adjust the schedule again.

This 45-day extension does not affect the start date for refineries to be producing ULSD fuel. The reason for the extension is that some in the fuel distribution industry had indicated that on the current schedule, ULSD may not be available at a small number of retail outlets. The impacts of the recent Gulf Coast hurricanes are not a factor in today's action.

The revised transition dates will cause some manufacturers of diesel engines and vehicles to delay their introduction of the 2007 models that must use ULSD exclusively. However, because these changes will help ensure the universal availability of ULSD, the engine and vehicle industry has indicated that these limited changes are acceptable. Today's direct final rule helps ensure that the full environmental benefits of this historic Clean Diesel Program will be achieved. More information is available at: