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Energy Star Buildings Powered With Savings

Release Date: 02/08/2007
Contact Information: Dawn Harris-Young, (404) 562-8421, [email protected]

(Atlanta, Ga. - February 8, 2007) More than 493 top performing buildings in the southeast have earned the Energy Star for powerful cuts to their energy bills and greenhouse gas emissions. These award-winning buildings represent almost 50 million square feet, save an estimated $50 million annually in lower energy bills, and prevent more than 1.5 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions, equal to emissions from nearly 130,000 vehicles.

    "I commend the building owners for earning the prestigious ENERGY STAR designation." said EPA Regional Administrator Jimmy Palmer. "These owners are leading the way by making smart energy decisions that are both good for the environment and reduce energy costs.”

    The top performing buildings include supermarkets, office buildings, and K-12 schools. Banks, courthouses, financial centers, hospitals, and hotels earned the Energy Star, the most recognized national symbol for energy efficiency.

    America’s desire for environmentally friendly buildings is growing, and superior energy efficiency — identified by the Energy Star — is a critical element of green building. Buildings that earn the Energy Star are the top performers for energy efficiency nationwide. In fact, buildings that earn the Energy Star use about 35 percent less energy than average buildings. Moreover, about 400 Energy Star buildings use 50 percent less energy than average buildings.

    Commercial buildings account for almost 18 percent of our nation’s greenhouse gas emissions. Building owners earn the Energy Star scoring in the top 25 percent on EPA’s energy performance rating system, which calculates scores based on actual energy use. With interest in energy efficiency growing, Energy Star offers easy-to-use tools and guidelines that can help building owners and managers in the United States realize significant energy and dollar savings.

    EPA started the Energy Star program in 1992. Energy Star is a government-backed program that helps businesses and consumers protect the environment through superior energy efficiency. Last year alone, American consumers and businesses, with the help of Energy Star, saved $12 billion and prevented greenhouse gas emissions equal to those from 23 million vehicles.

    For the complete list of buildings, by State, go to:
    For more information on Energy Star go to: