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EPA acts to ensure safe drinking water for North Dakota residents

Release Date: 07/26/2007
Contact Information: Diane Sipe, 303-312-6391, [email protected] David Janik, 303-312-6917, [email protected]

Summary of actions taken

(Denver, Colo., July 26, 2007) -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 8 issued five notices of violation in North Dakota from June 2006 through March 2007.

EPA issues an administrative order when a public water system violates the Safe Drinking Water Act and its regulations. In States such as North Dakota which have primary authority over the SDWA, EPA is first required to issue a notice of violation to the State before EPA takes a federal action against a public water system that violates the SDWA. If the State does not issue its own enforcement action within 30 days of the notice of violation, EPA can issue an administrative order to the public water system requiring it to take certain actions to comply with the drinking water regulations. In some cases, EPA issues a notice of violation to the State but does not issue a subsequent administrative order.

EPA issued notices of violation to North Dakota, without subsequent EPA administrative orders, for the public water systems listed below. Each system violated health-based standards for disinfection byproducts over periods ranging from 6 months to 2 years.

City of Burlington,
Burlington, N.D. – water system changed treatment processes and the State and EPA are tracking compliance status
City of Deering,
Deering, N.D. – the State took enforcement action instead of EPA
City of Garrison,
Garrison, N.D.water system returned to compliance. The State and EPA will continue to track compliance status
City of Washburn,
Washburn, N.D. – water system returned to compliance. The State and EPA will continue to track compliance status
Prairie School,
Medora, N.D. - water system returned to compliance. The State and EPA will continue to track compliance status

EPA oversees the protection of public health and the environment in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Compliance and enforcement are important components of public health and environmental protection which encourage governments, businesses and other regulated entities to meet their environmental and public health obligations.