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EPA cites Dana Container for hazardous waste violations

Release Date: 01/03/2006
Contact Information: Karen Thompson, (312) 353-8547

No. 06-OPA003

CHICAGO (Jan. 3, 2006) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has filed an administrative complaint against Dana Container Inc., Detroit, Mich., for alleged violations of federal hazardous waste regulations. A $381,730 penalty is proposed.

Dana, with truck container and tank cleaning facilities located at 11430 Russell St. and 1551 Caniff St., was cited for violating the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act requirements for managing hazardous waste.

At the 11430 Russell St. facility Dana failed to: make a hazardous waste determination, keep containers closed, provide and document annual hazardous waste training, institute portions of a contingency plan, install a device to summon emergency assistance from local authorities and obtain a license.

At the 1551 Caniff St. facility the company failed to: conduct weekly inspections, meet design requirements, provide and document annual hazardous waste training, provide safety equipment and adequate aisle space for its use, maintain a contingency plan, mark a container storing used oil and obtain a license.

Under RCRA, EPA regulates hazardous waste from production to final disposal. Dana can request a hearing or settlement conference.

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