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One Million Dollars to Protect Wetlands

Release Date: 1/19/2000
Contact Information: Krista Rave
[email protected]
(206) 553-6686

January 19, 2000 - - - - - - - - - - - 99-01

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today more than $1.3 million in grant funds were awarded in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska to support wetland protection. Twenty-eight state, tribal and local government projects were selected to enhance existing programs or develop new programs.

“Our wetlands are nature’s answer to cleaning polluted water,” said Steve Roy, Regional Wetland Specialist, EPA’s Regional wetland specialist. “These grants help increase the quantity and quality of wetlands by providing resources to all levels of government for planning, scientific study, stakeholder development, and public information.”

The grants were divided between governments in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington:
              No. of Grants
              Total Awarded
The Wetland Program Development Grants were established in 1990 with $1 million in funding for the entire United States. As state, tribal and local government interest in the grant program increased over the years, Congress met the demand with increased funding. The program has awarded $15 million nationwide for each of the past four years. Grant funds can be used to develop new or refine existing wetland protection, management or restoration programs.
Attached are summaries of the awarded projects.

Wetland grant writeup.rtf