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EPA Extends Public Comment Period, Adds Public Hearing for Utility Mercury Reductions Proposals

Release Date: 03/10/2004
Contact Information:

John Millett, 202-564-7842 / [email protected]

(03/10/04) EPA will extend to April 30, the public comment period for the proposed Utility Mercury Reductions Rule. Administrator Leavitt signed the rule in December 2003. This extension gives the public more time to consider the December proposal and to evaluate the impacts of the supplemental proposal. The supplemental proposal, signed on February 24, will be published in the “Federal Register” shortly. On March 31, EPA will hold a hearing to listen to public comment on the supplemental proposal. The hearing will take place at the Hyatt Regency Denver, 1750 Welton Street, Denver, Colo. 80202, phone: 303-295-1234. The hearing will start at 8 a.m and continue into the evening to accommodate individuals who wish to comment. For information on the proposed Utility Mercury Reductions Rule and the Supplemental Proposal, and to read copies of the rules go to: .