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EPA Announces New Web Site Listing Regulations With Potential Impact on Agriculture

Release Date: 06/13/2007
Contact Information: Dave Ryan, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. - June 13, 2007) EPA today announced a new Web site containing an easy and succinct look-up tool listing federal environmental regulations that could potentially apply to agriculture. Knowing the regulations beforehand will allow farmers to address these issues before they become problems.

This Web site is an outgrowth of EPA's National Strategy for Agriculture, signed by EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson in May 2006, which aims to improve communication, collaboration and innovation with the agricultural community to build a more environmentally productive relationship.

The Web site was developed by EPA's Cross Media Agriculture Team, which regularly brings senior level management staff from different agency offices together to discuss issues and develop comprehensive strategies for reducing farmers' environmental footprints.

More information on the agriculture regulatory matrix: