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EPA and NH DES to Hold Informational Meeting for Mohawk Tannery Site

Release Date: 06/13/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: Angela Bonarrigo, Community Affairs Office, 617-918-1034

For Immediate Release: June 13, 2005; Release # ab050602

BOSTON - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) and the Mohawk Steering Committee are hosting a public information meeting on Monday, June 27th at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Amherst Street Elementary School to discuss the findings of the recently completed field investigations performed at the Mohawk Tannery Superfund site. The tannery is located on Warsaw Avenue in Nashua, New Hampshire.

EPA and NH DES representatives will be on hand to discuss the draft Remedial Investigation Report which was completed this spring by Sanborn Head and Associates under a contract with the NH DES. Groundwater, sediment, surface water and soil were evaluated in the study which assesses the nature and extent of contamination at the former tannery site, with the primary focus on identifying areas of concern in addition to the already identified sludge lagoons.

Risks to human health and the environment were assessed. Although no significant risks were identified for current trespassers on the property, the risk for current and future workers in the main building are within EPA's risk range of concern for cancer and exceed NHDES target risk. The primary risks to a future resident are associated with the potential use of ground water, and exposure to soils in several locations

At the meeting, EPA and NH DES will discuss the findings of the investigation and the next steps to be taken at the site. In addition, representatives from the Mohawk Steering Committee will provide an update on their work.

The former tannery operated between 1924 and 1984. During its 60 years of operation, the Mohawk Tannery, also known as Granite State Leathers, produced sludge and acidic residues from the tanning process, much of which was disposed of on site. The site was proposed for the National Priorities List in May 2000.

Related Information:
Mohawk Tannery Fact Sheet
Long-Term Cleanups