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THURSDAY: EPA Administrator Traveling to Miami for ABA Conference and King Tide Day

Release Date: 10/07/2014
Contact Information: [email protected]

WASHINGTON – EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy is visiting Miami on Thursday to keynote the American Bar Association’s Environment, Energy, and Resources Fall Conference and to bring attention to the impact of our changing climate on rising sea levels in Miami. Administrator McCarthy will speak about the important role of the agency’s enforcement and compliance program in protecting American communities from pollution, especially environmental justice communities. She will outline EPA’s Next Generation Compliance strategy to harness advanced technologies and innovations to improve compliance with the nation’s environmental laws.

The Administrator will then join Senators Nelson and Whitehouse, local Mayors, Florida International University and students for a press conference to recognize King Tide Day-- the highest tide of the year on Miami Beach, which often leads to extensive flooding. She will raise awareness about the importance of clean water and the need to act on climate change to prevent negative economic and community impacts from the rise in sea level. Following the press conference, Administrator McCarthy will meet with high school and college students from Miami-Dade County, who will be using sensors to measure water quality and the depth of flood water, to discuss the students’ findings.

WHEN: Thursday, October 9, 2014

8:30 a.m. EDT

WHAT: Keynote address at the American Bar Association

WHERE: Trump National Doral Resort
4400 NW 87th Ave.
Miami, Fla. 33178

For more information about the event, go to: For media credentialing, please contact Maria Gutierrez at 202-662-1091 or [email protected].

10 a.m. EDT

WHAT: King Tide Press Conference with Florida International University and local Mayors

WHERE: 5th and Alton
Miami, Fla. 33139

WHO: Administrator Gina McCarthy
Bill Nelson, U.S. Senator from Florida
Sheldon Whitehouse, U.S. Senator from Rhode Island
Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine
Pinecrest Mayor Cindy Lerner
Dean Raul Reis, Florida International University School of Journalism and Mass Communication
President Mark Rosenburg, Florida International University

RSVP: Media who want to attend the press conference should email [email protected].