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Release Date: 06/16/1997
Contact Information: Anna Krasko, EPA Remedial Project Manager (617) 573-5749 Sarah White, Superfund Community Relations Coordinator, (617)918-1026

BOSTON-- Based on investigation results that indicate contaminant levels do not pose a public health or environmental risk, EPA has determined that no further cleanup is needed at the Davis GSR Landfill Superfund site located in Smithfield and Glocester, RI.

"With primary importance being placed on the safety and the well being of area residents," said John P. DeVillars, Regional Administrator for EPA New England, "EPA has looked carefully at the extent of contamination at the Davis GSR Landfill and is satisfied the site poses no risk to the community. The citizens of Smithfield, Glocester and surrounding communities can rest assured the site will continue to be monitored and that their health and environment is being protected".

After extensive investigation and analysis of the data, EPA determined that the site poses no risk to public health and the environment and therefore needs no further cleanup. Specifically EPA determined that:

    • There were no adverse health effects produced from landfill emissions or from the ingestion of or contact with contaminants in the soil, water and sediments;
    • The groundwater at the site is not used as a drinking water source and therefore poses no health risk; no contaminant plume was found emanating from the site.
    • The ecological risk analysis determined that the Davis GSR Landfill would have no adverse impact on the wetlands or biotic species inhabiting the wetland.
The no further action decision will make the Davis GSR landfill eligible for deletion from the Superfund National Priorities List. EPA and the state will continue to monitor the site for any potential future risks and will revisit the no action decision if conditions at the site change.

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As part of this proposal, EPA is seeking input and encourages the public to provide comment. EPA will be holding a public meeting on the no further action proposal on Monday, June 23 at 7:00 pm at the Smithfield Town Hall, 64 Farnum Pike Rd., Smithfield. A 30-day public comment period will be held from June 24 to July 23, 1997 during which the public is invited to give written comment .

In addition, the EPA will hold a formal public hearing on July 15, 1997 at 7:00 pm at the Smithfield Town Hall to provide another opportunity for formal public comment. All comments taken during the comment period and hearing will be recorded and responded to in the EPA Record of Decision.

The Davis GSR landfill is a 58-acre site that includes a 21-acre inactive landfill located in the towns of Glocester and Smithfield. The landfill accepted municipal waste from 1974 to 1982.

In 1978, citing violation in landfill operations, the state of Rhode Island took action to close the facility. The site ceased operating as an active landfill in 1982.

All comments taken during the 30-day period will be responded to an official document called a responsiveness summary. This document, along with technical and general information on the Davis GSR Landfill Superfund site will be available for review at the E. Smithfield Public Library, 50 Esmond Street, Esmond, RI and at the EPA Record Center in Boston.

Beginning June 24, 1997 EPA will accept written comments. All comments must be postmarked no later than July 23, 1997 and sent to:

Anna Krasko
EPA Remedial Project Manager
JFK Federal Building/ HBO
Boston, MA 02203
E-mail: [email protected]
FAX: 617/573-9662