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Salt Lake City School District earns EPA Environmental Achievement Award

Release Date: 06/15/2006
Contact Information: Ron Schiller 303-312-6017, [email protected] Randy Brown 303-312-6048, [email protected]

Denver, Colo., June 15, 2006 --Gregg Smith, Director of Facilities for Salt Lake City Schools, received the EPA's Environmental Achievement Award for environmental innovation at the Salt Lake City School Offices on May 30 from Ron Schiller, Indoor Air Coordinator for EPA Regional Office in Denver.

EPA Region 8 Administrator Robert E. Roberts said, "Gregg Smith and the Salt Lake City School District are proactive in assessing the schools' needs and evaluating the risks to children's health while using EPA tools to improve the school's learning environment. Their performance in earning this well-deserved award sets an example for other schools to emulate."

In presenting the award, Schiller discussed the Salt Lake City School District's willingness to adopt new programs that improve the indoor air quality of schools and reduced the use of pesticides in and around school grounds.

As Director of Facilities for the Salt Lake City School District,
Smith implemented the EPA Tools for Schools for improving indoor air quality; Integrated Pest Management for Schools for reducing or eliminating the use of pesticides in schools; and Healthy School Environmental Assessment Tool, known as SEAT, software developed by EPA to help schools address all their environmental issues under one umbrella activity.

To learn more about these EPA programs, visit
Tools for Schools at -- Healthy SEAT at -- and IPM at

EPA Region 8 presents awards in four categories to individuals and groups. This award recognizes significant achievements in the protection of public health or the environment and in advancing the Agency’s strategic goals. Among the criteria is an outstanding contribution to environmental protection through a single action, or by an ongoing action over an appreciable period of time.