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National Clean Water Act recognition awards given to Denver area wastewater facilities

Release Date: 9/23/2003
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      Denver -- Two Denver area municipal wastewater districts have been awarded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2003 National Clean Water Act Industrial Pretreatment Award for their work to protect our nation’s waters and public health.

Taking first place in the small program category was the South Adams County Water and Sewer District, Commerce City, Colo., administered by J.M. Grebenc. Metro Wastewater Reclamation District, Denver, Colo., administered by Theresa Pfeifer, took first place in the medium-to-large program category. These operations were among five nationwide to be recognized for exceptional work to prevent pollution from entering surface waters and drinking water supplies.

The Industrial Pretreatment Program prevents hazardous pollutants from industrial and commercial sources from getting into sewerage systems and wastewater treatment plants. These pollutants, such as toxic metals and organic chemicals, can pass through treatment plants into receiving waters, interfere with plant operations, adversely affect worker health and safety, and interfere with the ability to recycle or reclaim biosolids. The program is given to municipalities so that local authorities have the primary responsibility to protect their sewerage systems and treatment works from industrial or commercial pollution discharges.