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EPA Reaches Agreement with Vector Pipeline

Release Date: 03/02/2005
Contact Information:

CONTACT: William Omohundro, (312) 353-8254

For Immediate Release
No. 05-OPA020

CHICAGO (March 2, 2005) — U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has reached an agreement with Vector Pipeline L.P. on alleged clean-air violations at two company compressor stations. One station is at 2282 S. Duck Lake Road, Highland, Mich., and the other is at the intersection of Indiana Toll Road and Fail Road, LaPorte, Ind.

The agreement resolves EPA allegations that Vector’s Michigan station violated carbon monoxide emission limits in the company’s Michigan operating permit and regulations designed to prevent deterioration of air quality. EPA assessed a $69,300 penalty.

After learning that carbon monoxide emissions from its Michigan station exceeded its state operating permit, Vector told EPA that it believed its Indiana station might have similar problems. Tests subsequently confirmed high CO emissions. EPA determined that the Indiana station had violated regulations designed to prevent deterioration of air quality but did not assess a penalty because Vector self-disclosed under EPA’s self-disclosure policy.

“Vector has come forward and shown itself to be a good corporate citizen,” said Acting Regional Administrator Bharat Mathur. “We encourage companies to contact EPA if they believe they have violations before EPA investigates their plants.” Mathur said self-disclosure is taken into consideration when penalties are assessed.

As part of the agreement, Vector has applied for amendments to its state permits. A revised permit was issued last December for its Michigan plant.

When carbon monoxide enters the bloodstream, it reduces the delivery of oxygen to the body’s organs and tissues. Exposure to high levels of carbon monoxide can cause death or impair vision, hand movement, learning ability and performance of complex tasks. Persons with heart disease have the greatest risk when exposed to the pollutant.

Companies that believe they have violations and wish to self-disclose should contact George Czerniak, chief of the regional air enforcement branch, at (312) 353-2088.

Self-disclosure information is at