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Release Date: 07/17/2001
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Note to Correspondents



David Deegan 202-564-7839 / [email protected]

A revised assessment of risks and benefits of a class of genetically-modified products, which include Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn, cotton and potato plant-incorporated protectants has been released for public review. EPA is inviting public comment on whether changes are needed in the regulatory terms and conditions for these products based on the revised assessment. This report analyzes potential benefits and risks these products may pose to human health, non-target species such as the Monarch butterfly, and the environment. It also reviews the available information concerning resistance management in insect pest populations. EPA will present the report in a July 24 technical briefing for the public from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Sheraton Crystal City Hotel, 1800 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Arlington, Va. EPA also plans to make available prior to the meeting a discussion paper which identifies a range of potential regulatory options for these products.

During the past year, EPA has been conducting an exhaustive scientific assessment of registered Bt products as part of a larger process on behalf of the Federal government to ensure that the use of biotechnology does not pose unreasonable risks to public health or to the environment. Continuing to review the latest ecological and human health data allows EPA to maintain the best scientific information as a foundation on which to base regulatory decisions concerning Bt products. Throughout the current assessment, EPA has considered extensive public comments, requested peer review from the Agency’s independent panel of scientific experts, consulted other Federal agencies, and worked with industry, public interest groups and other concerned stakeholders.

This revised assessment will have direct bearing on how the Agency proceeds regarding the conditional Bt corn and cotton registrations, scheduled to expire on September 30. There is a 45-day comment period beginning July 17 on both the revised assessment and regulatory options EPA is considering regarding the expiring registrations. To obtain related documents and learn more about the technical briefing, or to find out how to provide comments see: .

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