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EPA and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Agree to Transfer Oversight of Cleanup Activities at Clinton Coal Gas Superfund Site from EPA to the State

Release Date: 08/15/2012
Contact Information: Ben Washburn, 913-551-7364, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., Aug. 15, 2012) - EPA and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) have agreed to transfer oversight of completion of cleanup responsibilities of the Clinton Coal Gas Superfund Site in Clinton, Iowa, from EPA to the state.

EPA Region 7 has been overseeing the investigation and cleanup related to coal tar contamination at the site. The site is located on the west side of Riverview Park between Fourth Avenue North and Second Avenue South.

“We work closely with our state partners throughout the Superfund process,” said EPA Region 7 Administrator Karl Brooks. “This agreement illustrates another example of federal and state agencies working together to protect the environment by using state programs that tackle these kinds of cleanups faster than the larger federal effort could.”

The on-site work has been performed by the Interstate Power and Light Company (IPL), now a part of Alliant Energy, under an Administrative Order on Consent. In addition to site investigation work, IPL completed the removal of 120,000 tons of soil contaminated with coal tar, lead, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

IPL completed the remedial investigation and feasibility study in 2011 to determine the best method to remediate site contamination as required by EPA. EPA and IDNR determined that IDNR is in the best position to oversee the remaining work to be done on the site. IPL will complete any remaining cleanup activities under oversight from IDNR through the state’s Land Recycling Program.

For questions about IDNR’s new role in the project, please contact Kevin Baskins at 515-281-8395 or [email protected].

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