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Lynn Buhl begins work as Regional Administrator

Release Date: 08/13/2008
Contact Information: Anne Rowan, 312-353-9391, [email protected]

CONTACT: Anne Rowan, 312-353-9391, [email protected]

For Immediate Release
No. 08-OPA129


(Chicago, ILL. - Aug. 13, 2008) EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson yesterday swore in Lynn Buhl as regional administrator for EPA Region 5, which encompasses Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. In a ceremony attended by Region 5 employees, Buhl took the oath of office and officially began her new position.

"I am delighted to have the opportunity to be back in Region 5, "said Buhl in her acceptance speech. "I thought this was a great office with great people the first time around and I am looking forward to working with them to set a positive course for the future."

Buhl began her career in the environmental arena in 1985 when she took a position at EPA headquarters. A year later, she transferred to Region 5 to serve as an assistant regional counsel. After leaving EPA in 1987, she worked at Daimler Chrysler Corporation, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and in several high-level posts in Maryland government. Most recently, Buhl served as deputy assistant administrator in the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assistance at EPA Headquarters since September 2006.

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