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EPA urges Northwest residents to stop drips and leaks during National “Fix-a-Leak Week,” March 17-23

Release Date: 03/17/2014
Contact Information: Mark MacIntyre, EPA/Seattle 206-553-7302 – [email protected]

(Seattle, WA – March 17, 2014) Easy-to-fix household leaks account for more than one trillion gallons of water wasted each year across the United States, equal to the annual household water use of more than 11 million homes. In the race against water waste, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is urging people to fix household water leaks during the sixth annual Fix-a-Leak Week, March 17 through 23, 2014.

Water leaking from dripping faucets, showerheads and faulty toilet flappers in an average American home can account for more than 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year, or the amount of water needed to wash 270 loads of laundry. Leaks like these can often be easily fixed as DIY projects, requiring only a few tools and hardware that can quickly pay for itself in savings. Fixing household water leaks can save homeowners up to 10 percent on their water bills.

According to EPA organizers, finding and fixing leaks is simple to do:

    • Check for leaks: Look for dripping faucets, showerheads and fixture connections. Check irrigation systems and spigots too.
    • Twist and tighten pipe connections: Make sure there is a tight connection between the showerhead and the pipe stem. It may just need a twist to tighten or some pipe tape to secure it.
    • Replace Worn Out Fixtures: If it’s time for an upgrade, look models bearing the WaterSense label, which are independently certified to use 20 percent less water and perform as well as or better than standard models.
The following are just a few of the events WaterSense Partners are holding in and around the Northwest this week:


CITY OF SEATTLE - Students in participating classrooms around King County schools will receive a “Fix-A-Leak Week Challenge” form in class from their teacher, who will explain how the program works. Each student will be encouraged to help their families perform home leak inspections. The classroom with the most students participating will have a chance to win extra school supplies or a gift card, sponsored by Saving Water Partnership (18 local water utilities). The school with the highest participation rate will be featured on the Saving Water Partnership website.

CASCADE WATER ALLIANCE - Classroom presentations and gardening classes scheduled that week. Leak detection dye will be distributed to gardening class attendees and they are offering shower timers to kids. Courses are listed at:

LIBERTY LAKE SEWER AND WATER DISTRICT – the District is focusing on “Fixing Leaks” for the month of March. They are promoting identifying leaks and are making dye kits available to homes in their service area.


CITY OF PORTLAND - The Portland Water Bureau is offering an Energy & Water Month Water Savings Workshop lunchtime event with the Rental Housing Association of Greater Portland ( on March 19th in Tigard.

REGIONAL WATER PROVIDERS CONSORTIUM - The Regional Water Providers Consortium is offering free indoor water saving kits to customers who are served by its 22 water provider members. To see a list of participating water providers visit:

CITY OF BEND - City of Bend’s Water Conservation Program is promoting Fix-a-Leak Week though an instructional video on YouTube.

For more information about EPA’s WaterSense Program: