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EPA awards $5,000 grant to Rachel Carson Council to support environmental teacher training project

Release Date: 1/14/2004
Contact Information: Roy Seneca (215) 814-5567

Contact: Roy Seneca 215-814-5567
PHILADELPHIA – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has a awarded a $5,000 environmental education grant to help the Rachel Carson Council, an environmental organization in Silver Spring, Md, develop a pilot teacher training project

The “Rachel Carson: A Real American Hero” project will demonstrate how Rachel Carson’s life and the message of her landmark book, Silent Spring, can be used to address ecological issues through a multi-disciplinary approach that includes science, math, writing and analytical skills; as well as develop a student’s ecological awareness and inspire them to become involved in environmental protection.

“Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring was a lightning rod in spurring worldwide interest in protecting the environment. It will create a tremendous impact to capture her inspiration and use it to improve education,” said Donald S. Welsh, EPA’s mid-Atlantic regional administrator.

Since 1992, EPA has provided almost $3 million annually in funding to local organizations and schools nationwide. These grants fund education programs in nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and governmental agencies supporting a wide range of environmental issues for citizens of all ages.

Visit to find out more about EPA’s environmental education grants and online resources for communities, educators, and children.