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EPA Issues Latest Information on Toxic Chemical Releases

Release Date: 03/19/2009
Contact Information: Brook Madrone/EPA Seattle, (206) 553-4016, [email protected]; Tony Brown/EPA Public Affairs, (206) 553-1203, [email protected]

Today, EPA released the latest Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Data nationally (for reporting Year 2007). Following the brief Region 10 summary paragraph please find attached the national press release and data release information pertinent to Region 10 states including a State TRI release summary table, a State fact sheet, a Region 10 summary table, and relevant websites.

TRI releases for Region 10 as a whole decreased in 2007. Alaska, Oregon & Washington facilities all reported decreased Total On-Site & Off-Site releases. Idaho Total On-Site & Off-Site releases increased by 1.7 percent, while Idaho facility Surface Water discharges decreased by 6.7 percent. And, although Alaska's Red Dog Mine reported a decrease in total TRI releases compared to 2006, it remains the largest releaser of TRI reportable toxics in the country (primarily zinc & lead compounds in on-site tailings impoundments and waste rock).

Please call our Regional TRI Manager, Brook Madrone (206) 553-4016 with specific questions.

TRI Data Release Information for Region 10 (PDF)(1pp, 110K)

Read EPA's National Press Release: EPA Issues Latest Information on Toxic Chemical Releases

More information on the TRI reporting change:
TRI 2007 Public Data Release:
TRI Explorer tool:
