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EPA Encourages Energy-Efficient Lighting with Fall Campaign

Release Date: 10/04/2004
Contact Information:

John Millett 202-564-7842 / [email protected]

(10/04/04) This fall, EPA is encouraging simple, energy-efficient choices at home that add up to major savings and environmental benefits. EPA estimates that changing five light bulbs in every American home would save $3 billion per year in electricity costs and prevent greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to eight million cars.

The ENERGY STAR program is partnering with manufacturers, retailers, state governments and utilities throughout the United States to help consumers find and buy energy-efficient light bulbs and fixtures. During October and November, EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy sponsor the ENERGY STAR "Change a Light, Change the World" campaign. The effort encourages Americans to switch to lighting products that have earned the ENERGY STAR label - to save energy, money and protect the environment.

A typical household spends about $100 a year, or more than seven percent of its energy bill on lighting. Replacing the five highest use lights in the home with ENERGY STAR-qualified models will help the typical homeowner save more than $60 every year in energy costs. Generally, the most frequently used light fixtures are the kitchen overhead light, living room table and floor lamps, bathroom vanity, and outdoor porch light.

ENERGY STAR fixtures and bulbs last six to 10 times longer than standard models and provide the same amount of light while running on two-thirds less energy. In addition, qualified lighting generates about 70 percent less heat than standard incandescent lighting, which means it's cooler to the touch and can help reduce energy costs associated with cooling the home. In the last year alone, the availability and variety of ENERGY STAR qualified light fixtures have increased dramatically and the market share has risen to four percent of all fixture sales.

Changing five lights is one of five simple actions that EPA is encouraging to make homes more energy-efficient and help the environment. EPA is also urging consumers to look for home electronics and appliances that have earned the ENERGY STAR; heat and cool their homes wisely; seal and adequately insulate their homes; and tell family and friends to help spread the word that energy efficiency makes sense.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency introduced ENERGY STAR in 1992 to reduce air pollution by giving consumers energy-efficient choices. Today, with assistance from the U.S. Department of Energy, the ENERGY STAR is now featured on new homes, buildings, and more than 40 types of products. Learn more by visiting or call 1888-STAR-YES (1-888-782-7937).