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EPA Provides Major Grant to USVI Community Organization Beyond Visions,Inc. to launch new projects to protect the marine environment

Release Date: 07/17/2012
Contact Information: Terry Ippolito, 212-637-3671, [email protected]

(New York, N.Y.) The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a $50,000 grant to support an environmental education projects in the U.S. Virgin Islands. EPA is providing funding to support work that Beyond Visions, Inc. of Christiansted is doing with a group of local organizations to implement stewardship projects in marine ecosystems.

“EPA is proud to provide $50,000 to Beyond Visions, Inc. to support the education projects about the importance of the marine environment that local community organizations will conduct in the U.S. Virgin Islands,” said Judith A. Enck, EPA Regional Administrator.

Specifics of the grant are as follows:

Beyond Visions, Inc., Christiansted, St. Croix, USVI $50,000

Beyond Visions will support the “Nature Explorers’ Club Environmental Alliance” efforts to carry out projects that benefit local marine ecosystems. The goal of the projects will be to increase the public’s understanding of how their actions impact the marine environment. Alliance members will participate in classes and work with community leaders to conduct beach clean ups, promotion of reusable shopping bags and monitor sea turtle nests. Each Alliance member will produce a marine or sea turtle conservation public service announcement that will be showcased at an Environmental Stewardship Conference.

EPA’s local and nationwide educational programs promote environmental stewardship and support excellence in environmental education. Since 1992, EPA has funded over $55 million in environmental education grants to support more than three thousand projects across the country. Agency partnerships, including with the National Environmental Education Foundation and the Environmental Education Training Partnership, have given thousands of formal and non-formal educators the skills and knowledge needed to teach students of all ages about safeguarding the environment.

More information about EPA’s environmental education programs and a link to sign up for future environmental education grant announcements can be found at

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