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Pinellas County School Board to receive $150,000 for clean school buses

Release Date: 04/6/2006
Contact Information: Dawn Harris-Young, (404) 562-8421, [email protected]

(ATLANTA – April 6, 2006) As part of EPA’s Clean School Bus USA program, EPA will present a grant for $150,000 to the School Board of Pinellas County, Fl., to retrofit 76 buses. The grant to the School Board is one of four being awarded in the Southeast this year, totaling $ 1.2 million.

This year, EPA nationally awarded 37 grants totaling $7.5 million as part of the Clean School Bus USA program. The initiative encourages policies and practices to eliminate unnecessary school bus idling, install effective emission control systems on newer buses and replace the oldest buses with cleaner diesel or compressed natural gas-powered buses. The grant recipients are contributing an additional $13 million in matching funds and in-kind services.

WHO: EPA Deputy Regional Administrator Stan Meiburg; Pinellas County School Board Transportation Director Anthony Dzielski: Pinellas County School Board Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor Virgil Wasko; Florida Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Air Monitoring and Mobile Sources Martin Costello, PE; Pinellas County Department of Environmental Management Assistant Director Andy Squires, and Pinellas County Department of Environmental Management, Air Quality Division Director Peter Hessling

WHAT: Clean School Bus USA Grant

WHEN: April 8, 2006 at 10:30 A.M.

WHERE: Pinewood Cultural Park

      12520 Ulmerton Rd.
      Largo, Florida