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EPA Grants Jump Start Clean Diesel Retrofits

Release Date: 12/23/2003
Contact Information:

John Millett 202-564-7842 / [email protected]

(12/23/03) Communities across the country will demonstrate the environmental and health benefits of clean-diesel retrofit technologies with more than $500,000 in EPA grants awarded this month for supporting projects in California, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio and Washington.
    City of Boston, Environment Department, Massachusetts – $64,000
      Grant funds will purchase diesel oxidation catalyts (DOC) to retrofit up to 32 diesel touring trolleys in the City of Boston. A partnership match, in the form of a commitment to use ultralow-sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel, will be required of participating touring companies.
    Hamilton County, Department of Environmental Services, Ohio – $95,500
      Grant funds will subsidize DOCs to retrofit 20 school buses in the urban Cincinnati Area, including two environmental justice areas, and a 10 month supply of biodiesel (B-20) to fuel 74 school buses.

    Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland – $100,000
      Grant funds will subsidize a one-year supply of ULSD for the Maryland Mass Transit Administration’s Eastern Maintenance Facility which services 165 diesel transit buses in the Baltimore Metropolitan region.
    Mount Rainier National Park, Washington – $100,000
      Interagency agreement funds will subsidize a two-year supply of ULSD for the 37 diesel vehicle fleet and DOCs and/or diesel particulate filter retrofits for up to 18 of the highest use vehicles (construction equipment, plow trucks, snow blowers, snow groomer, tractor, dump trucks, refuse truck). The project will also use a 50 percent biodiesel/50 percent ULSD blend for two generators.
    New York State, Department of Transportation, New York – $98,600
      Grant funds will subsidize a two-year supply of ULSD and DOC retrofits for 20 highway maintenance vehicles in Rockland, Westchester and Bronx counties.
    Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, California – $100,000
      Grant funds will retrofit DOCs on privately-owned heavy-duty diesel trucks participating in the region’s Fleet Modernization program. The DOC retrofits will augment the program’s reductions from engine upgrades.

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