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Environmental Education Benefits From $190K in Federal Grants

Release Date: 7/30/2001
Contact Information: Sally Hanft
[email protected]
(206) 553-1207 or 800-424-4372

July 25, 2001 - - - - - - - - 01-021

As part of its ongoing effort to forward high quality Environmental Education in the Northwest, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded 17 grants for a total of $190,352 in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

According to Sally Hanft, EPA Environmental Education Grants Coordinator, environmental education and the grant program are keys to reaching the region=s overall goals of promoting environmental stewardship and protection.

AWith environmental education grants, we get a great bang for our buck!@ Hanft said. AWe=re impressed year after year with how much students, teachers, and community members are able to accomplish with these grants.@

Authorized by Congress under the National Environmental Education Act, the grants program is designed to further environmental education by stimulating professional development for educators, supporting community-based education projects, and encouraging environmental careers. The program also funds projects that promote state education reform goals via environmental education as well as education projects that address the connections between human health and the environment.

To receive notice of the next grant solicitation, due to be issued in late summer, contact:
Environmental Education Grants
Public Information Center (EXA-142)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Sixth Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98101

Requests for the forms and additional information will also be available by phoning (800) 424- 4372. If you have questions after reviewing the solicitation, contact Sally Hanft, Region 10 Environmental Education Grants Coordinator, at the toll free number or at (206) 553-1207.