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EPA Offers Help in Redeveloping Contaminated Land

Release Date: 11/13/1998
Contact Information: Ruth Podems (215) 814-5540

PHILADELPHIA - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is currently accepting applications for funding and assistance, from communities interested in redeveloping abandoned, contaminated properties.

Under the agency’s Brownfields program, each applicant selected for a national  Assessment Pilot will receive up to $200,000 over two years.  EPA will test innovative assessment, cleanup and redevelopment models and coordinate re-use efforts at the federal, state and local levels.

In order to qualify for the assessments, the property must be contaminated or suspected of contamination. The selection process will be aimed at projects where a party has redevelopment plans for the site.  Redevelopment can involve commercial, industrial, recreational or conservation uses.

To receive a newly revised application booklet, call the Superfund Hotline at
1-800-424-9346, or (703) 412-9810 in the Washington, D.C. metro area.  Copies of the booklet are also available at the following web site:

The deadline for application is December 11, 1998.  Applications postmarked after that date will be considered in a second round of site selections scheduled for March 22, 1999.

