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EPA to Recognize the Beaulieu Commercial in Adairsville, GA as a Green Power Partner for Leadership

Release Date: 09/14/2009
Contact Information: Dawn Harris-Young (404) 562-8421, [email protected]

(Atlanta, Ga. – Sept. 14, 2009) — From Wall Street to Main Street, organizations both big and small are leading the fight against climate change by purchasing green power. For the ninth year, EPA is honoring Green Power Partners from across the United States for their commitment and contribution to helping advance the nation’s voluntary green power market. This year, the Beaulieu Commercial in Adairsville, GA is one of seventeen organizations that will receive a Green Power Leadership Award.

Beaulieu Commercial is one of only ten organizations nationwide to receive a Leadership Award for its green power purchase. The award recognizes EPA Green Power Partners who distinguish themselves through purchases of green power from a utility green-pricing program, a competitive green marketer, or a renewable energy certificate (REC) supplier. Beaulieu Commercial is currently purchasing more than 9 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power annually, which is enough green power to meet 107 percent of the organization’s electricity use. Beaulieu Commercial is buying renewable energy certificates (RECs) from Sterling Planet.

Beaulieu Commercial’s current green power purchase of more than 9 million kWh is equivalent to avoiding the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of more than 1,200 passenger vehicles per year, or is the equivalent amount of electricity needed to power more than more than 900 average American homes annually.

EPA is recognizing winners in three award categories at the annual Green Power Leadership Awards in Atlanta, Georgia. The award-winning partners’ cumulative annual green power commitment of more than 2.8 billion kilowatt-hours has the equivalent environmental impact of avoiding the carbon dioxide emissions of nearly 375,000 vehicles.

EPA’s Green Power Partnership works with more than 1,100 partner organizations to voluntarily purchase green power to reduce the environmental impacts of conventional electricity use. Green power is generated from renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, biomass, and low-impact hydro. EPA co-sponsors the Green Power Leadership Awards in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy and the Center for Resource Solutions.

For more information on the Green Power Leadership Awards: