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EPA Awards $130,000 Grant to Delaware Tribe for Community Outreach and Recycling Program

Release Date: 06/07/2010
Contact Information: Joe Hubbard at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(Dallas, Texas – June 7, 2010) The Delaware Tribe in Oklahoma is working to build environmental awareness amongst its tribe. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded a $130,000 grant to the tribe. The tribe will use the funds to develop and manage their environmental programs. The funds will also be used for grant writing initiatives, community outreach, environmental training and development of a recycling program.

EPA provides grants to tribes and intertribal organizations to build environmental regulatory programs. In 1992, Congress passed the Indian Environmental General Assistance Program Act which authorizes EPA to provide General Assistance Program grants to federally-recognized tribes and tribal consortia for planning, developing, and establishing environmental protection programs in Indian country.

Additional information on EPA grants:

More about activities in EPA Region 6:

EPA audio file is available at:

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