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EPA issues order to American Samoa company to control water pollution discharges MYD Samoa Inc. could face fines if it fails to prevent shipyard pollutants from entering Pago Pago harbor

Release Date: 09/29/2008
Contact Information: Dean Higuchi, 808-541-2711, [email protected]

(09/29/08) HONOLULU – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued an administrative order to MYD Samoa Inc. to take corrective actions at its Satala shipyard to control and limit the discharges of pollutants into Pago Pago harbor.

“Although the shipyard provides a much-needed service to boats in the region, we believe it can improve its pollution prevention methods to control and eventually eliminate the discharge of pollutants into harbor waters,” said Alexis Strauss, water division director for the EPA’s Pacific Southwest Region. “Taking the needed actions will benefit residents and visitors alike in protecting the coastal waters of American Samoa.”

The order requires MYD Samoa to capture and control all discharges of process wastewaters, wastes, spent sandblasting grit, paint chips, paint overspray, and storm water drainages to the harbor from the dry docks. Steps need to be taken to minimize rainwater contact with all sources of contamination, and capture of contaminated wastewaters for alternative disposal. The shipyard will need to upgrade treatment, install additional controls, and may have to develop an alternative to harbor discharge.

EPA inspectors found:

* unpermitted wastewater discharges from the shipyard’s drydock,

* blasting grit and paint chip debris were deposited on the dry dock and piers, exposed to contact with storm water drainage,

* numerous shipyard sources of contamination were exposed to contact with storm water drainage,

* oily drainage into and out of one of the catch basin sumps resulted in an oily sheen on the harbor around the sump outfall,

The corrective actions need to be completed by the end of April 2009, with monitoring and sampling of water discharges beginning in October 2008. Fines could result if the company fails to comply with the order.
