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EPA proposes cleanup plan for Allied Chemical and Ironton Coke site; comment period ends August 14

Release Date: 07/16/2007
Contact Information: Mick Hans, 312-353-5050, [email protected] Bri Bill, 312-353-6646, [email protected]

No. 07-OPA120

(Chicago, Ill. - July 16, 2007) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has proposed a cleanup plan for the tar plant area of the Allied Chemical and Ironton Coke Superfund site in Ironton, Ohio. A 30-day public comment period ends August 14.

EPA evaluated several different plans developed by potentially responsible party Honeywell to address contamination at the 27-acre former tar plant area at 3330 S. Third St., along the Ohio River. The $8.5- to $10.2-million proposed plan includes covering contaminated soil with an engineered landfill cap, and institutional controls to protect the public, future workers and wildlife from exposure to any contaminants remaining after the cleanup. In addition, EPA proposes to dig out some of the polluted sediment in nearby areas of the Ohio River and dispose of it at an off-site facility. Polluted sediment that remains in the river would be capped with a mix of sand, gravel and similar material.

EPA, in consultation with Ohio EPA, will negotiate with Honeywell for the company to conduct the cleanup under government oversight.

The site was added to the Superfund National Priorities List in 1983. The proposed cleanup plan addresses just one of three distinct cleanup areas that make up the entire Allied Chemical and Ironton Coke site. Other areas of the site were cleaned up in the mid-1990's. Industrial activity on the property began in 1917. The last operating area, the tar plant, closed in 2000. More background is at Files are also available for review at the Briggs Lawrence County Public Library, 321 S. Fourth St., Ironton.

If there is enough interest, EPA will hold a public hearing on the proposed cleanup plan so residents can provide comments orally. For more information or general questions about the plan, contact Community Involvement Coordinator Bri Bill at 800-621-8431, ext. 36646, (business hours) or [email protected]. To request a public hearing, please contact Ms. Bill by July 27.

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