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EPA Issues Property Access Order on Hudson Dredging Project; Order to New York State Necessary for Maintaining Construction Schedule

Release Date: 03/29/2007
Contact Information: David Kluesner (212) 637-3653, [email protected]

(New York, N.Y.) Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued an order to the New York State Canal Corporation requiring it to grant EPA and General Electric (GE) access to three parcels of land where construction needs to take place for the Hudson River cleanup to begin. The properties, in the towns of Moreau and Fort Edward, New York, are owned by the Canal Corporation. This action, carried out pursuant to the federal laws governing the Superfund program, became necessary after prolonged negotiations between GE and New York State over the terms of access to the properties led to an impasse. In order for construction to begin on time this spring, EPA concluded that it was necessary to issue an access order to prevent any delay in the cleanup project.

EPA’s order requires the Canal Corporation to give EPA and GE access to three locations: 25 acres of property in Fort Edward needed for the sediment processing/transfer facility; an approximately two-mile strip of land along the Champlain Canal on which GE will construct a road that will connect the processing facility with existing Route 196; and property located on the west bank of the Hudson River in the Town of Moreau, where GE will build a marina that will support the dredging operation.

For more information about the Hudson River cleanup, go to EPA’s Web site at
