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J.H. Wise Sons Co. and Central Paving Co. agree to pay $18,000 penalty to settle Clean Water Act violations

Release Date: 10/03/2006
Contact Information: Eva Chun, (206) 553-1970, [email protected] Tony Brown, (206) 553-1203, [email protected]

(Boise, ID – Oct. 3, 2006) J.H. Wise Sons Co. LLC (J.H. Wise) and Central Paving Co., Inc. (Central Paving) have agreed to pay an $18,000 penalty to resolve alleged violations of the Clean Water Act (CWA) at the Boulder Heights Estates Subdivision construction site located on Warm Springs Blvd. in Boise, Idaho.

The settlement resolves alleged Clean Water Act violations that Central Paving, an operator at the site, failed to apply for NPDES permit coverage under the Clean Water Act and discharged construction storm water without a permit in violation of the Clean Water Act. The settlement also resolves alleged violations that J.H. Wise prepared an incomplete Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and discharged construction storm water in exceedance of state water quality standards.

“It’s no secret that storm water runoff from construction sites can harm water quality,” said Kim Ogle, Manager of EPA’s Northwest Regional Office’s NPDES Compliance Unit. “That’s why construction site operators need to take all necessary steps to prevent runoff from leaving their sites and entering nearby rivers, creeks and streams.”


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